Your unique point of view
From first-time writers to seasoned authors, we’ll help you find your unique voice, get clear on who your ideal reader is, and lay a solid foundation for success.
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“Finish writing that book with Libby Kiszner.”
Margarita Gurri, PhD, CSP
Author of Color Me Difficult
Detailed written feedback about what’s working and what’s not. If you’re not sure you’re ready for coaching but know that something isn’t quite working with your manuscript, this is a great place to start.
If you have valuable ideas to share or an important story to tell, but lack the writing skills (or the time) to put it down on paper, ghostwriting will get it done for you. Develop clarity about your methods, business, and brand through the process of articulating your concept. The content remains grounded in your ideas and expertise.
Develop your book from bare concept to first draft, with clear, understandable edits, ensuring relevance and consistency of style to target audience. Specific suggestions and creative input, ensure overall flow, appropriate word choices, sentence structure and transitions.
I’ll design a customized coaching experience just for you: your story, your schedule, your style. Moving from story premise through story creation, we’ll set up regular discussions about your work-in-progress for maximum accountability. And, when you’re ready to submit your book, I’ll help you craft the all-important query to agents.
Whether you’re looking to write a manifesto, memoir, inspirational or motivational book, acquire the skills and tools you need to:
Live. Express. Connect.
Books shape lives. Families can heal and thrive. Businesses can grow. Dreams can turn into fresh, exciting realities. Leave a lasting legacy with the words you craft.
From first-time writers to seasoned authors, we’ll help you find your unique voice, get clear on who your ideal reader is, and lay a solid foundation for success.
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Line-by-line review of all content to ensure your message flows well, moves forward at the right pace, maintains a consistent point of view, and connects with readers from the first word to the last.
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Use your personal strengths to create, grow and nurture a platform before your product is finished! Feel confident, empowered and equally partnered with agents, publishers and clients (instead of waiting to be discovered).
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